I established Cosy Cub Games in November 2022 with the intention of creating and publishing board games. 2025 marks the year of its first publication “TENBY”, which was successfully crowdfunded in 2024.

I set up this company not only as a vehicle for publishing games, but also as a means to tell stories, and to enable people to tell their own stories. There are an absolute abundance of games that are based around conflict, in one way or another. This makes perfect sense, as much of our history is rooted in conflict, whether that be in battle, in economics or more subtle forms. However, within these themes are narratives that can help to ground ideas, or to question them. More games are appearing these days whose narratives are supportive of the ideas of community, kindness and sustainability, but there are still many, many more games that glorify (knowingly or not) the ideas of war, supremacy, and unchecked capitalism (among many others). The aim of Cosy Cub Games is to help to balance this deficit, by creating and publishing games that support narratives of a world that we want to see.

Head over to the Cosy Cub Games website to see what games are available, and what’s coming next!